TheTension Reliever

Tension Reliever Journey

Tap into your inner calm to rise above external pressures by developing resilience to stress within your specific environment.

  • Become Less Triggered
  • Release Stale Energy
  • Maintain Serenity
  • Reduce Back Pain

complete relaxation Yoga Ticket is within Your reach


Professional Yogis to make sure you don't get lost. Interactive questions keep you on track. Plus... We see you! Live Zoom sessions once a week making your adventure memorable and personal.


Go directly to actual results. Journeys have been designed using Research, Expert Knowledge, Experience from World Class Yogis. No time wasted, easy to follow, captivating and fun.


Power from positive companions will boost your experience. Benefit from having Team members journeying alongside you, sharing experiences, supporting and motivating each other.


Authentic, expert, engaging Yogis guide you as they challenge you physically, captivate your mind and indulge your soul. Guaranteed to make you laugh and to experience the benefits of Laughter Yoga.


App accessible, simple to use, technology keeping you connected to your Itinerary Guides, Companions, Personal Page, Forums and more...

Snack Options

Spoiler Alert: You will NEVER have to drink Green Juice. Plenty of options offered. We are taking you to your Happy... Not making you run from it...
icon milestone


Appreciate your newly discovered abilities with self satisfaction. Taking time for yourself, knowing you deserve your attention, is a by-product that feels so great!

What You
Get On This

What You Get On
This Yoga Journey


Go directly to actual results. Journeys have been designed using Research, Expert Knowledge, Experience from World Class Yogis. No time wasted, easy to follow, captivating and fun.


Professional Yogis to make sure you don't get lost. Interactive questions keep you on track. Plus... We see you! Live Zoom sessions once a week making your adventure memorable and personal.


Power from positive companions will boost your experience. Benefit from having Team members journeying alongside you, sharing experiences, supporting and motivating each other.


App accessible, simple to use, technology keeping you connected to your Itinerary Guides, Companions, Personal Page, Forums and more...


Authentic, expert, engaging Yogis guide you as they challenge you physically, captivate your mind and indulge your soul. Guaranteed to make you laugh and to experience the benefits of Laughter Yoga.


Appreciate your newly discovered abilities with self satisfaction. Taking time for yourself, knowing you deserve your attention, is a by-product that feels so great!

Snack Options

Spoiler Alert: You will NEVER have to drink Green Juice. Plenty of options offered. We are taking you to your Happy... Not making you run from it...

Live Your Happy Yoga Journey

The More You Explore, The More You Discover.

  • Improve sleep quality
  • Master control of energy levels
  • Explore, relax and connect with natural beauty
  • Loving and knowledgable guides
  • Guaranteed escape from outside world
  • Enhance self-focus and balance