The Power of Journaling
Journaling is an ancient practice that has been almost forgotten or carelessly cast aside for centuries. Benefits that come naturally with Journaling have been known to our ancestors and today we have scientifically proven and better understanding why it holds the power to improve our mental health, enhance our communication skills, and foster healthier relationships. Journaling has reemerged as a powerful tool for self-care and introspection in the fast-paced modern world that challenges our mental well-being offering a much-needed outlet for reflection and personal growth.
Your power from your word.
Today as we are becoming more and more aware of the power words carry with them, Journaling allows us to tap into this power of words and thoughts, and open ourselves up to a multitude of benefits this practice has to offer. Our way of experiencing the world and the people around us is inseparable from words. They hold the power in shaping our thoughts and communication, and most importantly shaping our connections, one of our most important needs. Words are everywhere and they are an inherent part of who we are. We as human beings cannot not communicate. Every thought and every experience is intricately woven with words. If the power of words is not harnessed right, they can easily lead us to judgements which can increase levels of stress and anxiety.
Writing down our thoughts and experiences offers us a clearer understanding of ourselves, giving us an objective perspective of our lives.. can reduce stress and calm us down. Transformative practice of journaling allows us to harness the power of words and thoughts for our personal growth and well-being. It provides us with a safe space to reflect, gain clarity, and navigate the challenges of life with a renewed sense of purpose. Whether you are seeking self-discovery, emotional healing, or simply a means to organize your thoughts, journaling offers a profound opportunity for self-expression and self-care.
Scientific Research — 1
Nursing Students’ Experiences of Gratitude Journaling during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Gratitude journaling has been used to improve grateful disposition. However, there is only limited data available on its application experience. This study aimed to: (1) explore the experiences of nursing students who have participated in gratitude journaling; and (2) assess students’ views of gratitude journaling as a nursing intervention.
The study findings suggest that the gratitude journaling not only helped with nursing students’ perspective, emotional, and behavioral aspects and stress management, but also provided an opportunity to advance a step further based on self-reflection.
Scientific Research — 2
Facilitating student learning with critical reflective journaling in psychiatric mental health nursing clinical education: A qualitative study.
 Critical reflective journaling has been used to facilitate student learning in various disciplines; however, there is only limited data available on its application in clinical education in the area of psychiatric mental health nursing.
Primary Objective
The aims of the study were to: 1) explore types of events or issues that senior nursing students chose to reflect upon in their critical reflective journals during their 5-week psychiatric mental health nursing clinical practicum; and 2) assess students’ evaluations of critical reflective journaling.
Through critical reflective journaling, nursing students are able to self-reflect on issues arisen during their clinical rotation, which leads to improvement of their competency in psychiatric mental health nursing and full engagement in the clinical practicum.
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