What is God?
God — called by many names and worshiped in many different ways—refers to a higher power responsible for creating, sustaining, and destroying life. Some believe strongly that a God exists, while others are skeptical or even doubt that anything more powerful than themselves could possibly exist. The concept of God is very personal, and each of us holds our own interpretation, opinion, and belief.
What does Yoga have to do with spirituality?
Simply put, Yoga provides an understanding of why bad things happen and the realization that surrender to a higher power makes life’s challenges more bearable. Through Asanas (yoga poses), Pranayama (breathing exercises), and Meditation, we learn and internalize valuable lessons.
Your Beliefs, Your Barriers
Life constantly provides challenges, and at times we throw our arms up or drop to our knees in desperation, saying, “Oh God – help me!” These unwelcome moments, feeling aggressively forced upon us, are actually opportunities for spiritual growth. Frequently, these challenges reoccur, giving us multiple chances to make our situation more bearable, to learn valuable lessons, and to grow.
And Now Yoga
It is when we feel broken, things feel truly hopeless that our heart seeks refuge. At that moment barriers are dropped and we surrender. Our mind and heart no longer question the existence of God but rather seek a relationship with a higher power.
Yoga is not a religion!
Organized religions are ways to form a relationship with your higher power. For many people it allows them to relate to their higher power through images, stories, prayers, and a connection through community bonds.
Yoga helps you define and deepen your spirituality.
Yoga allows you to examine your personal barriers, limitations or reasons that prevent you from believing in, and surrendering to a higher power. Study Yoga is all about you, discovering what you truly are and what you truly believe.
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